Midnight, the time turns one last click, and it's midnight. In 8 hours baggage will be here to pick up the first shipment of items... destination, Germany.
Today was spent taking down pictures, drapes, memories. Boxing up souvenirs from the last 4 years while trying real hard not to lose it. I mean, I must have spent the better half of the day choking back the emotions that I am trying so desperately to suppress. That can't be healthy... But the rooms look so sad. Naked. Cold.
I box up the MAC, my disks, my client files dated back 2 years. I can't believe its been 2 years since the launch of DB Images. Now, Dirty Blonde follows as we head to Europe. I have had some wonderful times, growing close to each and every client as I was honored to be asked to photograph some of the most important moments of their lives. I have brides from two years ago coming to me for maternity images. Others come for newborns. Some refer their friends and family for portraits or reunions. Then, there is always the weddings. Oh those weddings... my final comes this Friday as Shanon and Brant tie the knot out at Spring Hill.
My husband arrived home on Thursday and Ive had him working his little butt off ever since. Thank you baby for all your help. I can't believe we have only 9 days left. Now, I write my final blog post from San Antonio. The words won't come easily, my heart is heavy.
Here's to all my ladies and gents who helped make my world so incredible these last two years. Thank you for allowing me into your lives, and capturing all those memories. I am humbled by your belief in my work. Please stay in touch as I will do the same. Thank you to Shelia of Shelia Stone Photography for all your help as my right hand girl. I could never have done it without you. Your friendship means the world to me. Have a great time In Bahrain. And to Clayton... I remember that first day at Starbucks where we became friends. Now... I see this amazing photographer whose style and flair is un-surpassed. I can't wait to see what your future brings. Here's to Paris in 2010!!!
Good bye San Antonio... it's been a great four years~
Signing off~
Monday, September 21, 2009
Posted by
Deborah Berard Photography
12:17 AM
NBC, Today show, NILMDTS, weddings
db images
db images photography
Deborah DeFilippo Berard
dirty blonde photography
european boudoir
Hubby is coming home~
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I sit here and stare at the clock... tick-tick-tick. It seems to me that the past few months went by faster than these last few hours seem to be going. With less than 24 to go until my hubby comes back from Germany, I am beyond myslef. Our time apart was a HUGE growning experience. One that makes me appreciate all we have together even more-so than I ever have in the past. I love that he allowed me to fly for this time, and now, as promised... I am ready to come home. I am ready to be a full time wife again. I am ready to be a couple again. I am ready to be a family again.
I love this life we have made. I truly have the very best of all worlds. Even through all the crap, here we are. Stronger than ever and ready for this new chapter in our lives.
Thank you God, for allowing me more time. For not deploying him for the next year and for granting me this chance to re-group. God speed to those who are seving and thier families who hold it all together back home.
Thank you God, for allowing me more time. For not deploying him for the next year and for granting me this chance to re-group. God speed to those who are seving and thier families who hold it all together back home.
This time tomorrow I will be back in the arms of the man I love~
Enough said~
Enough said~
Posted by
Deborah Berard Photography
9:49 PM
NBC, Today show, NILMDTS, weddings
db images
db images photography
Deborah DeFilippo Berard
dirty blonde photography
european boudoir
german photographer
Meet the Potters~
Sunday, September 13, 2009
One last wedding... I can't even image not having my brides anymore. I have the best brides ever! Mrs. Potter is no exception, looking fabulous last night in her white satin gown and crest white smile. The rains held just long enough for a beautiful ceremony at Pearl Stables, under semi cloudy skies and calm winds.
The new Mrs. Potter is the daughter of my hubby's former co-worker at Ft. Sam. She and her fiance came to me last April looking for their wedding photographer. I was blessed to shoot not only their wedding, but their engagement and Lindsays bridals as well. And we had a great time!
Lindsay and TJ are amazing together... all night I watched how they laughed and laughed. I actually don't see that all too often due to the stress of the day. Together, they are two peas in a pod, and I loved it! From their sand ceremony, to amazing teal up-lighting, to pictures on every table, a oh-so-fun photo booth, to the family heirloom display at the reception entry... every detail was considered.
Thank you Lindsay and TJ for a wonderful evening! It was a pleasure to be a part of. And thank you to Shelia, I can't believe this was our last wedding together. I am going to miss you like a sister! I have our images from last night taped to my computer... too much fun! I love you girl!!!
The new Mrs. Potter is the daughter of my hubby's former co-worker at Ft. Sam. She and her fiance came to me last April looking for their wedding photographer. I was blessed to shoot not only their wedding, but their engagement and Lindsays bridals as well. And we had a great time!
Lindsay and TJ are amazing together... all night I watched how they laughed and laughed. I actually don't see that all too often due to the stress of the day. Together, they are two peas in a pod, and I loved it! From their sand ceremony, to amazing teal up-lighting, to pictures on every table, a oh-so-fun photo booth, to the family heirloom display at the reception entry... every detail was considered.
Thank you Lindsay and TJ for a wonderful evening! It was a pleasure to be a part of. And thank you to Shelia, I can't believe this was our last wedding together. I am going to miss you like a sister! I have our images from last night taped to my computer... too much fun! I love you girl!!!
Posted by
Deborah Berard Photography
12:55 PM
NBC, Today show, NILMDTS, weddings
db images
db images photography
Deborah DeFilippo Berard
dirty blonde photography
european boudoir
european photographer
Counting days~
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
3969 hours apart, 452+ emails sent back and fourth, unknown number of tears that fell... seeing my soldier again, PRICELESS!!!! In one week Eric will be stepping off a US Airways plane and walking into my arms, where he hasn't been in 6 months. Its been a rough past 4 weeks for us. First I was on my way, then Eric was given word of a deployment... so we wait 9 days to find that they pulled someone else. Eric stays! So its back on again and I'm racing all over Ft. Sam trying to get things finished in 2 weeks that should take two months. I have 2 final wedding yet to shoot as well. Movers come on the 21, storage on the 28, a wedding on the 25, and closing on the house on the 29th... oh yes, and we leave on the 30th.
Its all happening so fast now. I feel like I don't have enough time to get everything finished. Dogs, cars, packing, editing, shooting (myself in the head! LOL!) I walked through our house with the new owners and listened as they discussed their plans for the rooms. I cried, its my house and I cant imagine anyone else here but my family. We have a lot of love wrapped up into this house. A lot of time and work and rewards. I will surely miss it!!!
So, as my blogging slacks due to added pressure, then slacks even further when my hubby arrives home. :) I want you to know that I really do appreciate all the emails and well wishes I have received. It will be tough to leave at the end of the month for sure!!!!!
Here is my sign for the airport.... every mother and child and wife/ girlfriend/ fiance, has a sign! Mine is SO us!!!
Its all happening so fast now. I feel like I don't have enough time to get everything finished. Dogs, cars, packing, editing, shooting (myself in the head! LOL!) I walked through our house with the new owners and listened as they discussed their plans for the rooms. I cried, its my house and I cant imagine anyone else here but my family. We have a lot of love wrapped up into this house. A lot of time and work and rewards. I will surely miss it!!!
So, as my blogging slacks due to added pressure, then slacks even further when my hubby arrives home. :) I want you to know that I really do appreciate all the emails and well wishes I have received. It will be tough to leave at the end of the month for sure!!!!!
Here is my sign for the airport.... every mother and child and wife/ girlfriend/ fiance, has a sign! Mine is SO us!!!
Posted by
Deborah Berard Photography
11:42 PM
NBC, Today show, NILMDTS, weddings
db images
db images photography
Deborah DeFilippo Berard
dirty blonde photography
european boudoir
european photographer
german photographer
Boudoir at the Valencia~
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
This afternoon and evening was spent taking images of beautiful women... dream job, I think so! It was off the the Hotel Valencia for an unbelievable Boudoir session with not one, not two, but three beautiful women, as Clayton and I were head over heals at the potential for a fabulous day!!!
I could keep talking about this all night, but it's 1am and I would rather just show them all off...
Thanks for a great time everyone. Thanks for being so professional and stunning. Big thanks to Redemption Garb Vintage clothing for supplying wardrobe, Damariz for the unbelievable air brushed makeup on all our ladies, and of course to you Clayton for another great shoot. And, for that glass of wine at the nights end. Now that's the way to end a shoot~
Just look at these ladies... need I say more? :)
I could keep talking about this all night, but it's 1am and I would rather just show them all off...
Thanks for a great time everyone. Thanks for being so professional and stunning. Big thanks to Redemption Garb Vintage clothing for supplying wardrobe, Damariz for the unbelievable air brushed makeup on all our ladies, and of course to you Clayton for another great shoot. And, for that glass of wine at the nights end. Now that's the way to end a shoot~
Just look at these ladies... need I say more? :)
Posted by
Deborah Berard Photography
1:50 AM
NBC, Today show, NILMDTS, weddings
boudoir photography
db images
db images photography
Deborah DeFilippo Berard
dirty blonde photography
european boudoir
european photographer
paris boudoir
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