Today I received an email, the package has arrived...
I knew it was coming, but I figured it to arrive on Friday as told by the USPS, but it arrived a day early. A small, white, padded USPS envelope with very special contents.
Just another work day for the postal carrier. One by one she places her contents in the black boxes all named for their owners. One by one by one, by one. And then...
Sexton Family
Just another work day and a delivery of a small, white, padded USPS envelope containing a card, and a disk full of images. But how was this mail carrier to know that their delivery today contained the photographs of an angel? The heart of a photographer given to a friend when she couldn't think of what else to do for her but to capture the life of a child that touched so many and will be missed so terribly.
It took me longer than it should have to get these images out to Tracy. I have no excuse, and for that I am ashamed. I drove home after the funeral and lightly edited a file and sent it off to be viewed. When the adrenalin and the emotion from the actual event, to the drive, to the speech finally subsided I just couldn't go back into my office. I couldn't open that file again. I couldn't look at them. Those photographs.
They say that your best images as a photographer are the ones that move people. Stir emotion. Live out over time. I don't really care about those things right now, I only hope they bring this family some peace.
It was an honor...
Because it was more than just a simple image I was being asked to take.