The Elizabeth O'Conner Trilogy Begins...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Today the skies were gray and the rains fell around noon and never let up until well after the sun set. For me this was a welcome site, not for the moisture but for the water puddles. You see today I had only one shot to take advantage of the stagnant water the storms left behind and shoot the first series of images for Author Vivian Ditzler.

Vivian and I go back a few years while we were both stationed in Germany. We became fast buddies sharing everything from late nights out in K-Town at the famous Chucks, to a mutually strange fetish with singer Adam Lambert (whom we both met at a concert he gave in Stuttgart) When she came to me asking if I would take her PR images for the publisher of her new book I was thrilled! And now here she is, 2 books later with her new Trilogy to start release early 2013.

Today I worked on the bloody angel wing feathers that are to be floating in the water. Tomorrow I head out to Lexington with  a fiery red head model, a MUA and hair designer and an assistant to shoot the fallen angel, letters to an angel shoot. I designed the set and chose everything from the model to the make up colors to the hair style. It is going to be an amazing day!!!!

Until I can show some of the images, here is the new FB Timeline I created for fun for Vivian. The background images are all mine! :)




