To the beat of my own drum...

Monday, March 10, 2008

It's been awhile since my last blog... I just needed a breather (and a huge glass of wine/ or two!!!) But all is better now with my head and my heart and I have come to realize that some people just need to get a life and grow up. HHHhhhmmm... :)
With that said, I am off to Vegas baby! Yes, I am heading to the WPPI Convention in fabulous Las Vegas in the morning and I can't wait!!! I wasn't planning on attending, but I refuse to let the harsh words of another keep my down. Besides, I've had these darn tickets for over 2 months and I hate waste!
So, I'm picking myself up, dusting myself off and setting out to make them eat their words! Ggggrrrrr!!! I'm a beast!
It will be a grand time with plenty of activities planned with my friends and fellow photographers. I have received emails from a few other photographers I work with through NILMDTS, asking for a tour guide of sunny Vegas in exchange for some trade secrets of the business... can't beat that with a stick!
After spending most of my days attending the convention, I will spend the evenings with my truest of friends... boy do I miss them! Nothing is better than a great friend who just "gets ya"! And I indeed miss that tremendously! I have found in my 42 years on this earth that you can't help how others feel. Some people are simply idiots no matter how you slice up the cake! You can't control the actions and words of another and you sure as heck can't let it get you down. You just have to consider the source and move on.
So, after much "consideration", I am off to the west coast for a spectacular trip...
Be sure to check back in with me as I BLOG from Sin City, but you know what they say... What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas (wait, is that a copyright infringement?) LOL!!! Wink-wink!!!
See you all soon!!!


lisa said...

Deborah... you have always had a way with words! Haha! I've got your back kid, always will! I sure miss your smiling face here in Vegas and we can't wait to see you soon! We have huge plans for a grand time. Love you girl! BFF!!! :)-

Cheryl said...

Miss Deborah, now now! LOL!!! You are too funny! We are thrilled that you cahnged your mind and are heading our way! I miss you so very much and can't wait to see you! Let's go play and have a spectacular time together, the gang is back together if only for a few days! Love ya!

Jamie said...

So your on your way out! You know we have to hit the Little Buda for some sushi woman! Then, well, the skies the limit! Just us girls, your "real" friends! We miss you everyday but we are so happy that you found happiness. Your pictures are fantastic and I love to see what is in store for you in the future! Keep up the great work~
See you soon!

sharet said...

Hey hey there my friend! You better call me when you arrive in Vegas! We sure miss you and can't wait to see you out here! Promise me we will hit the town... no sleep for you allowed! Call me!

vegashitter said...

Vegas is just not the same without you kid. I always read your blogs to keep up with the action and, well, because I miss you my friend! I will be waiting for that phone call... don't forget me now! We miss you!