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NILMDTS and the TODAY Show...
If you were to read the charities section of my website, you will see that I am an affiliate photographer for the NILMDTS organization. Last evening I had an assignment for a family who had a child on life support. The family requested the services of NILMDTS before their child was scheduled to be taken off the machines that were keeping her little body alive. When I arrived I found a family of 4 huddled around a NICU bed holding the hand of a little baby girl. At birth the doctors discovered a tumor at her brain stem that had rapidly grown since birth. Its size caused a stroke which caused a shut down of her organs one by one. It was only a short time before this beautiful baby would be given her wings in heaven. But this baby had been given a name. It was a member of this family and this family never wanted to remember her simply as the child they lost. They wanted images for their wall alongside others. They wanted other family members who would never have the chance to meet her to see this beautiful gift from God. So I snapped away. Quietly from the corner of the room I used my talents for good to give this family something that they otherwise would never have... those images they so longed for. As they removed the tubes, and the monitors slowly became silent I continued to take her pictures. Alongside this family I was there for this little girls last breath and I was there when the tears fell and hearts broke. -These sessions are hard, heartbreaking and rewarding all at the same time. You walk away drained, exhausted and honored that these complete strangers allowed you to be a part of one of the most intimate moments in their lives. It took me more than 2 days to put that compact flash card into my computer to start editing the images the first time I ever did a session for a family. I held it together during the shoot, but completely fell apart when I made it to my car and it took over 20 minutes before I could drive home. And it never gets easier.
-I often find myself complaining about the time that I have to spend apart from my military husband, but today, as I looked at the images of this little baby that this wonderful family had just lost I was filled with guilt. As much time as I spend apart from Eric, I know he is coming home to me. We are healthy, we are employed and we are a happy newlywed couple with a bright future. We personally have been through 2 miscarriages and they were heartbreaking. But we are still together, stronger than ever. At times I am thankful that I never met my two babies, as strange as that might sound. But I never had to put a face with a name. I never had to say goodbye to him/her. I never had to make the choice to take them off life support. Just when I was feeling sorry for myself because my husband is gone TDY yet again, I am asked to take pictures for a family who are now planning a funeral.
-I wanted to share this story because tomorrow morning the TODAY Show will be airing a segment about a Minnesota couple who have been involved with
NILMDTS. If you are awake and by a tv please watch. Please take a moment out of your busy morning to learn a little about the NILMDTS organization. Then go hug your children, your husband, your friend. Say a prayer for this family and other families like them who will lose their loved one. And say a prayer for the photographers who come out rain or shine, all hours of the day or night 365 days a year FREE of charge to photograph a child for a family in need.
I call my husband my hero and he calls me his... yes, I am truly blessed! Amen!!!
I think it is so wonderful that you are a part of this organization. This is such a great way to offer your talents to a good cause and I hope more people choose to do this when they find themselves in these situations
Crystal and Daniel
Your huge heart shines again. I always loved that side of you... the giving side that is always doing for others. God bless you Deb!
You are truely an angel for what you are giving to these families... God bless you Deborah!
We lost our beautiful daughter Alyssa on June 20, 2007. We were so blessed to have had Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep come and take pictures of our daughter. We have such beutiful memories of our daughter now that will last us a life time, thanks to this wounderful organization. We now have an Angel up in heaven watching over us.
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