A small reunion... of sorts~

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Its not the pretty lenses or the big cameras and lights, it's the relationships that I create every time I walk behind that black box. It is surely the most important, and the best, part of my business.
Meet the Demerest family! This beautiful couple came to me over a year and a half ago looking for a photographer for their wedding. It was my first ever presentation... and my first ever signed contract. And, I could not have asked for better people to work with. My portfolio with them started with Jolyns bridal portraits, then their engagement portraits, then the wedding. And last but surely not least... she was my bride featured on ABC/KSAT 12 news with me during our "Rock the Dress" segment filmed just months ago. Time definitely flies!!!
Now, as her hubby ships off to Germany (ironically only minutes from my hubby) and Jolyn fulfills her military duties as well... it was time for an updated family portrait. I was happy to be there once again.
I hope to be a part if this families life for years to come. I am sure our military obligations will bring our paths together once again. Maybe your next images can be from Germany? I'm sure I will see you all there!
I had a great time catching up with all of you today!
