Seven p.m. here in Landbsborn... the house is quiet. Dogs fed, tv off, laundry finished and I just had the best conversation with one of my closests friends Nancy. I am a new woman... yes, the re-creation has begun~
Ive been looking at this all wrong. I am not in a home that feels like a prison waiting for the warden to come home and spring me for the evening. I am in a castle, full of wonderful opportunities for new adventures and promise. I look out our windows and see these huge windmills and those silly hairy cows, I laugh. I wish nancy was here with me to see this wonder that she opened my eyes to tonight... I thank you Nancy for your pep talk and such wise words! You saved me, and I want you to know that. And I want you to know I love you for being that friend who always has the perfect thing to say.
Its been rough, becoming used to this new life that everyone keeps telling me I am so lucky to have. I surely had not been seeing it that way these last few days. Not until tonight, when someone took the time to talk me off the ledge and show me the sun again.
I have my map Nancy. I took a look at all the villages surrounding us and made my plans. I looked at the metro line and did the same. Tomorrow I am buying a pretty little journal and I am going to start to write. Blog, then put to pen my inner heart and feelings. That was a brilliant idea!!! God makes things happen just when they were meant to happen, and I am blessed to have you as my friend, and mentor. You couldnt have answered the phone at a more perfect time~
So, here's to a new day. The morning sun will bring a new beginning along with my new attitude. I can't thank you enough for your wise words, great advise and oh-so-fun way of looking at things. If I could put you in my pocket forever and carry you around with me I would!
I miss you, and I love you more~