Arrival in Germany~

Friday, October 2, 2009

The ground is so cold, slight coolness in the air as well as we touched down just after 7am yesterday waiting for the bus back home. I have not seen so much green in years. Blue floral fields, stone churches with the largest steeples. I am going exploring this weekend for sure! It’s the holidays here... their reunification when the wall fell. So we were told of many a drunken party over the next few days. Lots of wine and beer that comes in steins that are the size of a small kitchen garbage can!!!!! Crazy!
The house is finally warm after an evening with no heat. And things are getting settled. I'll tell you though, I don’t know how these women do it who have children? All I have is two dogs and I could have torn my hair out at least 3 times. Everyone seems to be settling in just fine with no major issues as of yet.
I love our house... very European and chic, with 5 bedrooms so we are ready for some visitors... hint-hint.
This weekend, it’s looking at cars. I love that 2 seated convert. Volvo, but my eye caught a new two seated convert. Audi. Decisions-decisions~ Have to pass that damn driving test here first. And from what I understand it’s not too easy. We will see, study time starts tomorrow~

Pictures to come from the Iphone so dont get too picky. More images with the real cameras coming real soon. Hope everyone is healthy and happy and loving life as much as we are!!!Love ya!~