Before I share a post about our Christmas Holiday... I wanted to share some pictures I took of Carrie today. She is my little Hollywood Diva, posing for the camera like a pro. I think I even saw her crack a smile or two? :)
She has made herself quite comfortable in her new home. Trying to make friends, and learning the ropes of her new family. A ball of energy all day long, I had forgot how crazy puppies can be, but I love her dearly.
A few weeks back I wrote of an amazing woman I met while photographing her yoga studio for an up coming WINK publication. She and I became instant friends with a 1 hour photo shoot turning into a 3 hour gab session about all things amazing!
Her images from this shoot came out great, and she came back to me so overly pleased with the results that she asked me to join her down at Myrtle Beach this evening for a sunset photo shoot for her website and PR items. Our last shoot was so much fun I couldn't hardly say no... so my hubby and I packed up the car (new puppy and all) and headed off to the coast.
It was a chilly 51* with the sea winds making it feel much colder. As we all stood barefoot in an ice cold ocean I thought to myself "suck it up honey, this is the life of a photographer". I had a fantastic time!!! My hubby even shot off a few images and captured some really great stuff. It was nice to work with him again.
I love everything about this shoot, and I couldn't wait to post a few of my favorites. Enjoy...
Pets... they are such a HUGE part of our lives. A part of the family, if you will. Our family has 2 dogs. My Tiffany is my baby. She is 13 and blind, but she is the healthiest, most active and loving animal you will ever want to meet. She just knows love, no hate, no anger, no pain... those things have NEVER been a part of her life and it shows in her temperament and disposition. She will do anything to please you and never ever has let me down. She licks my tears, rolls on the floor when I laugh out loud, sits at my feet when I have food, lays by my side when I sleep at night. She has been such a staple in my life that I'm at a loss when I think of the day that will come where she is no longer there wagging her tail and giving me morning kisses. It makes my heart physically ache when I think about it...
I don't want to be out searching for a pet when she passes. That's not the way to go looking for a new family member. I don't want to be full of grief trying to turn some new puppy into my old Tiffany. I want a new dog now, a few years before I would expect Tiffany to leave me. And I want Tiffany and her to know one another. I want the new little one to learn from the best of the best... so with that thought in mind I started getting the itch to go puppy shopping. I mean what is more cute than a fluffy new puppy with a little red bow on sitting under the tree on Christmas morning? So I trolled the internet looking at all things cute, trying to decide exactly what breed I wanted. Is it not funny how I ended up with the exact dog I said I didn't want? Be careful what you wish for, the packaging might be slightly different. LOL!!!
Welcome the newest member of the Berard Family... Miss Carrie Bradshaw!!! She is a hybrid dog Pom/Shitz mix and oh-so-cute!!! She is as smart as a whip, cute as a button, and has the attitude of a true diva! There are so many things about her that are just like my Tiffany that I truly believe that God didn't bring me what I wanted breed wise, but instead he brought me what he knew I would need the most... another loving dog just like my Tiffany is.
There will NEVER be another Tiffany Louise Berard... she came into my life when I had absolutely nothing. We loved each other through sleepless nights, lonely holidays, tear filled break ups, scary thunder storms, sun filled car rides with the top down, nail painting day at the spa, 3 apartments/ 3 boyfriends/ and 2 job changes in 6 years, and a new marriage, 2 litters of puppies, a move to Europe, a move to Texas, a move to South Carolina, and all those other crazy memories I have of her and I together. And when the day comes when God decides he needs her up in doggie heaven I know that I gave her a great life, as she did for me. And I know that she will be with me always, and that she will be able to see me again one day with her new beautiful eyes. And I pray that this new puppy Carrie will be able to love me through the pain of losing one of the best things that ever happened to me...
Welcome to your new home Carrie... You have HUGE shoes to fill!!!!
Unpacking boxes... this has to be one of the single worst things in the world that comes along with moving. And when half of what you own came on a boat from Europe, and the other half of what you own came from a storage unit in Texas which has not been viewed in almost 3 years, it's difficult to remember not only what all you have... but which box its packed in and why can't you seem to find it?
After setting up, painting, picking out, coordinating, putting together, moving around, hanging up, and anything else one could possibly have to do to make ones house "livable" again. That's what I have spent the better half of 3 months doing now. So the thought of digging up all those twinkling lights and glass balls made me ill. I know... I'm in a beautiful new home that would be amazing to decorate with holly and lights, and animated holiday creatures of the forest. But I just have not been able to make myself get off the couch and get it all done. We don't have children, so when it's just the two of us it makes it so hard to get into the spirit of the holidays. Although, I have managed to keep the hubby out of the loop in the gift department. He doesn't know which gift under the tree is his and which is mine. Too funny!
So, since I have decided to keep things rather small this year, I did do some things which I have not in the past but would like to make a "Berard" Christmas tradition... like our gingerbread house and our stockings for everyone in our family, including the dogs. :)
My Nana used to DO IT UP during the holidays. She was the best at making the entire house look magical. I never knew all the hard work that went into making all that magic happen back then... I wish I would have told her more often how amazing she was and how the holidays just are not the same without her special touches. I miss my Nana & Grandpa so very much during this time of year...
This is our first year in our new home, and thus our first Christmas. While I spent a good portion of my weekend digging for, testing out, and assembling our holiday decor, I couldn't help but to think about where I was this time last year, and how extremely different the two have been.
Snow... as far as the eye could see there was snow. And it seemed to last forever that season. Keeping me cooped up in the house, venturing outside just long enough to grab some firewood and head back indoors scoring a juvenile attempt at building a fire. Instead, I proceeded to smoke out the entire first two floors and setting off every smoke detector in the place. Towards the end of the season I finally became an expect at building and sustaining those fires. But I'm in no hurry to practice those skills again anytime soon.
I missed the states. With homes full of lights and trees in the window, each decorated in its own magical way. But then I was treated to my first Christkindlesmarkt and I was hooked. The most memorable moment of that entire experience was the smells in the air. One moment from sweet candied treats. The next, to hot bratwurst and sauerkraut. And the gluhwein!!! That tasty little cup of warmth that keeps you in the spirit of the season. A tradition everyone looks forward too...
This year we ventured into our own little Christkindlesmarkt right in our new community. Our Town Center hosted a "Tour of Homes" where the streets were shut down to make way for horse drawn carriage rides through the neighborhood, caroling tractor trailer pulls, a live band playing holiday favorites, an open fire pit with a nearby table full of all the necessary ingredients needed to build your own s'more, and all the local merchants keeping their doors open extra late just to welcome everyone to the party.
I took the camera with me just for fun, hoping to capture some shots to add to our keepsake books. It was a magical evening!!!
My job is one of new people and places... constantly changing environments and personalities. There are the ones who try your nerves, the ones that challenge your patience, and then there are the ones that move you beyond words. I'm lucky because I seem to have this great ability to attract the last.
Today was one such day. I've been really sick, along with some unnecessary drama in my life. So my creative juice tank has been running below the "happy" level. I needed a good kick in the pants to get things rolling again and today was that day!
Nicole Zimmer. Artist and Owner at Pink Lotus Yoga Studio in Lexington, SC. Her studio is located in the Old Mill off Main, and if there wasn't already another established photographer in the building I would be signing my life away to get in there. Its just "THAT" amazing!!! Real, dark, old hardwood floors, exposed red brick tainted with turquoise splashes of old paint. Open ceilings showing the duct work and pipes along with an amazing view of the waterway just behind the building. Truly an artists dream location. Her studio is warm and inviting and smells ultra yummy! The perfect place to find your center and get back to being your very best. You just MUST go check this place out asap.
We started out in her studio as she warmed up before we took off out by the creek where an old tree and loads of running water made for some pretty amazing natural beauty. She posed, I shot... and what we captured was so peaceful and serene. It was exactly what I needed to get my head back in the game. Isn't it amazing how the Universe will bring around exactly what you need in exactly the perfect time.
Here's to new friendships and bright futures. Here's to successful women who are survivors in every way imaginable. Here's to nature and all her glory. And here's to receiving exactly what was intended all along.
Its been quite the year... With so much to be thankful for as well. We are both healthy and trying to get better at staying that way. Eric is enjoying his new position at Shaw & I'm enjoying the discoveries of a new arena of the photography world at WINK. Tiffany has had no issues since her eyes were taken and is the healthiest 13 year old dog ever! Our new home is beautiful and I thank God daily for allowing me to live here. Our marriage is strong, and we have finally found our "comfort zones" with each other. Now it's getting fun! :)
With all our blessings it wasn't difficult to say that dinner prayer, thanking the man upstairs for blessing us with our lives together. For the adventures and the tears, the highs and the lows. For the opportunities and the learning experiences... we are truly grateful.
It was only Eric and I and the two dogs for dinner this year. It's tough when you're the new folks in town with no relatives that live close by. Next year will be a different story for sure! I cooked everything from scratch and think I did pretty damn good! I had all the traditional Thanksgiving meal items, right down to the pumpkin pie. I was even able to serve it all on my new china. Thank you bb!!!
I miss my Nana & Grandpa at this time of the year. There are amazing recipes that I was supposed to get from her before she passed, I didn't. Now, all I can do is start my own family traditions in my food preparations. I hope she can see me from where she is now. I hope she can see that I was watching very intently all along. And I learned from the best. I hope I make her proud. Love you Nana!
Here's to a fabulous Thanksgiving!!!
PREPARATIONS: Top photo is stuffing prep Left photo is me grinding my own fresh spices Right photo is the cranberry-mandarin glaze prep
SIDES: Top left is fresh green beans with sauteed Shallots and toasted almonds Bottom left is rolled nut bread, sauteed mushroom & shallot stuffing Right photo is coconut-marshmallow spiced sweet potatoes
SNACKS: Top photo is Orange & creamed sherry blended with brown sugar and orange zest over walnuts. Let cool & caramelize. Bottom photo is the old thanksgiving favorite, rice krispie treats!
Shrimp cocktail with creamy-spicy green onion dip...
THE BIRDS: Cornish Game Hens with Cranberry-Orange Glaze with a side of spiced cranberry sauce with Chardonnay and orange zest...
It's just been one of those days. The weather was amazing, my clothing looked and felt great, my Sida was able to stretch her legs on the 77 and still no tickets, I went to look at a possible studio space in an amazing building at an incredible rent, and the WINK Magazine CURVY GIRL Issue came out today! Oh, and did I mention that my images are splashed through out the entire publication-including the cover???!!!
Yes folks, it's just been one of those days... one of those AMAZING days! And I thank you "big man" upstairs for making it all come together so perfectly, and in exactly the perfect time.
All verbiage and images are sole copyright of DB Images Photography and are protected under Federal Copyright Laws and may not be reproduced in print, on the web, or implied in any form.