Hubbys New Tattoo...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Before deployment, it is not unusual for a soldier to get himself a tattoo to symbolize the change of station, etc...
In my husbands 18 years of service, and numerous tours of duty, he had never managed to find himself in a tattoo shop. Then I came along! I have this thing for the bad boys... even at my age it makes me crazy when I see motorcycles, tattoos, and fast cars. I know, I know, mother wants to cry!
But I married a really great guy, no... I am telling you truly he is a really great guy! My prince! And he is as clean as the driven snow compared to my usual choices prior to our relationship. I was so ready to find him! LOL!
Now, he wears boots with his motorcycle, Ed Hardy t-shirts and just got his first tattoo, and it is so hot!
I threw him in front of my camera and snapped a few shots of the arm.
Great look baby!
I love you!!!



1 comment :

Anonymous said...

lovin the tat!!