Wednesday, March 11, 2009


DB Images Photography is throwing a party! And all my brides and portrait clients are welcome to attend! Word on the street, it's going to be a blast!
It's our official "Studio Launch Party" to kick off the opening of our new studio space, our new associate, our move to Europe... yes folks it's official in that arena as well. After months of back and forth, ups and downs, not knowing what to pack or what to think... the time has come for an official announcement. We are indeed heading to Germany! Looks like I got what I wanted after all? Yea me! LOL!
Eric is out of here on April 20th, while I will be staying behind to take care of my brides until the last wedding December 5th... then it's sell a house, a car, pack up, take care of all those pesky details and I am off to Germany for 3 years.
So, school is back on. A European portfolio is back on, and living in Europe is back on!!! Whoo-hoo!!!
So, my 2010 booked brides are now going to Mz. Stone, since she will still be here months after I leave, and my brides for 2009... let's make this a great year!

So everyone come join us on March 25th, 2007 at 7pm for our party. Lots of food, wine, and fun for everyone. We are going to have a crazy photo booth, vendor samples, and stories galore to share. Mark your calendars folks!
We will see you there!