Army DUSTOFF Golf Classic~

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I write about it almost monthly... how passionate I am about the charities that I am involved with. It just makes me feel alive and all tingly inside! Especially anything that is military related. And, although this was not for charity, this did come from a referal off a military charity event that I covered... so you see, good things happen when you give of yourself folks!
This Friday kicked off the 30 year reunion of the "DUSTOFF ASSOCIATION". The DUSTOFF Association are Army Air Evacuation units, you know those chopper/ Medvac guys. Men from as far back as the Vietnam War attended, wives too! :) We are still covering the event this afternoon and evening, but I had a break and wanted to post a few from the golf classic which took place yesterday morning. A big THANK YOU to my hubby for capturing some awesome shots today! I guess a golfer knows what shots to take?
The weather was beautiful, and everyone had a great time! Check it out...






