It's all about "Fast Glass"...

Monday, May 4, 2009

As my business expands, so does my arsenal of equipment... much to the fear of my hubby. :)
I can't help it, I'm in love with "Fast Glass".

What is fast glass you ask? A lens of wider aperture (smaller f-number) lets in more light. And, because the lens is letting in more light, the shutter does not need to remain open as long and thus is "faster".

Today Mr. UPS man (whom I know on a first name basis now) came to my door today with the best new lenses I own to date. I waited a long time for these babies... now I can't wait to use them! My new 70-200 F2.8 VR, and my 50 F1.4.
Along with my 2 new lenses came my second SB 900 Speedflash and light kit, so my next wedding images are going to have some awesome lighting going on (Come on May 16th!).

Here are my beauties!!!

