Lunch in Gruene...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Today was a fun afternoon! I met my dear friend Shelia out for some shooting time and a bite to eat... it was SO FUN!!!
I am learning to shoot a new way as of late, and wanted her help, and was she not a HUGE help with getting things just right. The settings, the lighting, etc... I learned how to read my histogram properly and how to bracket an image. She is an amazing well of information! And, unlike other photographers that I have run into, she is always willing to share her knowledge. She, like myself, is a giver. She is amazing!
So here are just a few shots from our walk about town.
Thanks for the great lunch today Shelia! It was awesome! You always teach me so much when I am with you...
This next wedding, we are going to ROCK!!!!!



Now, Its off to see my bride Priscilla, whose wedding is only a week away! Can't wait for tonights shoot~


shelia stone said...

lovin' the results girl!! Lunch was a blast as always! see you soon!!

Deborah Berard Photography said...

Learned it all from you!!!! Thanks a million Shel...